We have many Halifa of sheik Ibrahim Niyass. But, there is no how we can avoid to mentioning of Sheikh Hassan Cisse (R.T.A) In (1945-2008) Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the preeminent spokesmen of the Toriqat Tijjaniyya in recent times. Sheikh Hassan was a consummate scholar and spiritual guide. He received a complete training in the traditional Islamic sciences: the Qur’an and its Tefsir (Exegesis) Prophetic traditions (Hadith) and history (Seerah), jurisprudence and its sources (Fiqh and usul), literature (Adab), poetry, grammar and Sufism (tasawwuf). After Sheikh Hassan Cisse memorized the Qur’an at a young age in Mauritania, he was educated mostly in Senegal under the personal supervision of Maolana Sheikh Alhaji brahim Niyass (R.T.A) who had gathered in Kaolaq, Senegal, some of the most renowned scholars from Senegal, Mauritania, Nigeria, and beyond. These included Sheikh Hassan’s own father, Sheidy Ali Cisse (R.T.A), and his mother, Sheidat Fatima Zahra Niyass. He was a Islamic scholar, emerging from a long and vibrant legacy of Islamic learning in West Africa. The grandson and spiritual of Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass, he was designated by Sheikh Ibrahim as Imam of the Jama’at Nasr al-Ilm (“Community of Helping Knowledge”), the followers of Sheikh Ibrahim who are historically the largest single Muslim movement in twentieth-century of West Africa. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the thirty years of age at the time of his grandfather’s died, Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass was said to show Sheikh Hassan Cisse special favor from the time of his birth in 1945. Sheikh Ibrahim says, he recommended his own children to his closest disciple and lifelong companion, Sidi Ali Cisse, and said that they should “be with him as they are with me now.” The will mentions Sheikh Hassan Cisse by name as the community’s Imam after his father. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the last to see Maolana Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass alive. Sheikh Hassan Cisse also attained high merit in later academic education, completing a B.A. in Islamic Studies and Arabic Literature from Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and an M.A. in English from the University of London. Near completion of his PhD in Islamic Studies at Northwestern University Chicago his father passed, and Sheikh Hassan was obliged to return to Senegal to assume the imamate in Kaolaq. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was fluently in Arabic, English, French, Hausa and his native language speaking Wolof. Sheikh Hassan Cisse continued the work of his grandfather, introducing Islam to thousands and unifying diverse cultures under the banner of Islam. The Sheikh positively affected the lives of many in societies life with ethnics and religious tensions, such as Nigeria, Mauritania, South Africa and the United States. Sheikh Hassan Cisse (R.T.A) was firstly traveled to America in 1976 and he worked tirelessly to promote the good-will and positive exchange between Americans and the international Muslim community, emphasizing the essential spirituality and etiquette (Sufism) of Islam to promote individual betterment and real brotherhood. Its later clearly knew that Sheikh Hassan’s social efforts were well recognized by several international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Rotary International. He frequently participated in the United Nations annual conference for the world-wide NGO community. He participated in annual United Nations conferences for NGOs and was a frequently invited guest speaker at UNICEF and other -sponsored events.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
We have many Halifa of sheik Ibrahim Niyass. But, there is no how we can avoid to mentioning of Sheikh Hassan Cisse (R.T.A) In (1945-2008) Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the preeminent spokesmen of the Toriqat Tijjaniyya in recent times. Sheikh Hassan was a consummate scholar and spiritual guide. He received a complete training in the traditional Islamic sciences: the Qur’an and its Tefsir (Exegesis) Prophetic traditions (Hadith) and history (Seerah), jurisprudence and its sources (Fiqh and usul), literature (Adab), poetry, grammar and Sufism (tasawwuf). After Sheikh Hassan Cisse memorized the Qur’an at a young age in Mauritania, he was educated mostly in Senegal under the personal supervision of Maolana Sheikh Alhaji brahim Niyass (R.T.A) who had gathered in Kaolaq, Senegal, some of the most renowned scholars from Senegal, Mauritania, Nigeria, and beyond. These included Sheikh Hassan’s own father, Sheidy Ali Cisse (R.T.A), and his mother, Sheidat Fatima Zahra Niyass. He was a Islamic scholar, emerging from a long and vibrant legacy of Islamic learning in West Africa. The grandson and spiritual of Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass, he was designated by Sheikh Ibrahim as Imam of the Jama’at Nasr al-Ilm (“Community of Helping Knowledge”), the followers of Sheikh Ibrahim who are historically the largest single Muslim movement in twentieth-century of West Africa. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the thirty years of age at the time of his grandfather’s died, Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass was said to show Sheikh Hassan Cisse special favor from the time of his birth in 1945. Sheikh Ibrahim says, he recommended his own children to his closest disciple and lifelong companion, Sidi Ali Cisse, and said that they should “be with him as they are with me now.” The will mentions Sheikh Hassan Cisse by name as the community’s Imam after his father. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was the last to see Maolana Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass alive. Sheikh Hassan Cisse also attained high merit in later academic education, completing a B.A. in Islamic Studies and Arabic Literature from Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and an M.A. in English from the University of London. Near completion of his PhD in Islamic Studies at Northwestern University Chicago his father passed, and Sheikh Hassan was obliged to return to Senegal to assume the imamate in Kaolaq. Sheikh Hassan Cisse was fluently in Arabic, English, French, Hausa and his native language speaking Wolof. Sheikh Hassan Cisse continued the work of his grandfather, introducing Islam to thousands and unifying diverse cultures under the banner of Islam. The Sheikh positively affected the lives of many in societies life with ethnics and religious tensions, such as Nigeria, Mauritania, South Africa and the United States. Sheikh Hassan Cisse (R.T.A) was firstly traveled to America in 1976 and he worked tirelessly to promote the good-will and positive exchange between Americans and the international Muslim community, emphasizing the essential spirituality and etiquette (Sufism) of Islam to promote individual betterment and real brotherhood. Its later clearly knew that Sheikh Hassan’s social efforts were well recognized by several international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Rotary International. He frequently participated in the United Nations annual conference for the world-wide NGO community. He participated in annual United Nations conferences for NGOs and was a frequently invited guest speaker at UNICEF and other -sponsored events.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Zollatul-Fathi (the
praying to the prophet Muhammad) is a divine matter which has no room for
the mind intellect. If we were to say the quality of Zollatul-Fathi, there are more
than100, 000 nations, each nation is made of many tribes, each tribe is made of
more than 100,000 men, each of those men lived for so many years and recited more
than 1,000 prayer upon the Prophet Muhammad, all of these nations along all
these years would not catch up with the reward of reciting of one “Zollatul-Fathi” Zollatul-Fathi praises the prophet Muhammad
with great four traits: opening (Al-Fathi), Seal hood of Prophets (Al-Khatm),
victory and guidance (al-Nasr Al-Hady). As such he is qualified as
the promoter of the opening of everything that is blocked for all previous
messengers. He is also described as director of law by law, attributed to him
by God, and also, he is the guide of believers to Allah’s path. Some have
explained this opening by the first emergence of the Holy Prophet Sheidna Mohammed
(peace and blessing be upon him), being the first human being emerged from the
big void, even before the creation of the whole world.
In another fact says by SHEIKH IBRAHIM NIYASS which illustrated that
whoever has praise and seek for the blessing upon yhe nobleProphet Muhammad
(peace and blessing of God be upon him) through the Zollatul-Fathi, he will
bear the rewards of all Prayers that have occurred to the whole universe by
mankind, Angels and Jinns. In a number of six hundred thousand from the first
creation of the whole universe until the recitation of this Zollatul-Fathi, has
been completed, and each prayer with a reward of six hundred thousand (600,000) from
all faithful from mankind, angels and Jinns. Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass continue
said, any Zollatul Ala Nabiy especially, Zollatul Fathi is the Qur’an of Qur’an.
Zollatul Fathi is different from other because it is the Prayer of Allah and
His Angels. Another main reason why Zollatul Ala Nabi is so Powerful and great.
Simply because that only Allah can send prayers on to the Prophet Muhammad.
When you recites Allahuma Zolly Alla. You have nothing to do with the prayer
anymore it is just Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. The Tariqa Tijjaniyya is
based on Zollatul Fathi it is the main difference between the Tijjaniyya and
other turuq. For this approval has come from the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) So, Sheikh
Ahmad Tijjani in broad daylight. Abul-Muqaraab says that a man's total sins
will be washed away if he recites Durood Faith 40 times. Hardhats Sheikh
Muhammad Bakari says that recitation of Durood Faith once a day relieves the resistor
from the fire of hell.Hadhrat Sheidna Ahmed Hillam says the Durood Faith was favorite
routine of Hardhats Sheikh Abul-Qadir Gilani.The great Saints say that Durood Fathi
is actual and real light.Hadhrat sheikh Yusuf Bin Ismail says that this Durood Sharif
is the Greatest mystery of Allah wata’ala The history of Zollatuls al-Fathi is
this. A man named Sayyidi Bekri went into khalwa for 40 years, asking Allah to
give him the best Zollatul-ala Nabiyi. It was written on the wall in light and
he was told not to give it to others until the owner of it appeared which is
Sheikh Hamad Tijjani’s It brings 100% success and happiness to the recitation fact this Durood brings prosperity and luck
and solves all the naughty problems by the grace of Allah ta' ala.When a man
recites this Durood Sharif angels of Allah ta'ala surround him, mercy covers
him and peace starts descending on such a persons.
Monday, 21 October 2013
According to the truth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Which Maolana Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass
narrated during his visitation to Kwara State in Nigeria at Sheikh Kamaldeen
Ali-Ahdaby preaches venue in Ilorin. He says, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was the mercy of mankind. It is
proved that, on the day of the Last Judgment, he will intercede on their
behalf, and that he is the chief of the MANKIND'S
(A.S.W). Adam and those who are after
him will fall in under his banner on the Day of Judgment. He is the latest and
the leader of Prophets. His religion is the best (Islam). He is the first to arise from earth. Also, He is the first
to reach Heaven. He has got the means. Allah has had regard for him more than
for anyone else. He has opened everything for him, and forgiven him everything.
He has preserved his family from blemished. He set him in a night Jony to the
Heavens, swore by his name, by his time, by his country, and granted him profusion.
His religion has abolished the other religions. He has been the Messenger of God
to the whole humanity. Here are the items on what we have stated: according to
the exegeses (interpreters), there is
a difference between the positions of the Friend and lover, our Prophet, may
the blessing of God be to his noble soul. He also said, Among the Prophets,
PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W shall be the first one to trample down the grass of Heaven; before the others, my people too will be the first to trample it." Anas have related that the Prophet (S.A.W) declared: "I shall be the first to resuscitate on the Day of the Resurrection, I shall be the orator at the time when the risen from the dead shall have gathered, and their Savior when they shall have lost hope. I behold the Banner of Allah’s Blessing and I am his best servant among all the children of Adam (A.S.W), with no pretension." As for him, Ibn Abbas relates that some of the companions were exchanging remarks about the Messengers of Allah (Prophet Muhammad). One of them said: "It is paradisiacal that Allah took Abraham (A.S.W) for Companion", a second one said: "Nothing is more wonderful than to see God speaking to Moses (A.S.W)", a third one said: "Jesus (A.W.S) is the Spirit of Allah ", a fourth one said: "Adam (A.S.W) was chosen by Allah to be the Father of all men". Having heard their remarks, Muhammad (S.A.W) turned to his Companions Shahab and said: "I heard your remarks and your arguments. It is true that Abraham (A.S.W) is the Companion of Allah, that Moses (A.S.W) heard the word of Allah that Jesus (A.S.W) is the Spirit of Allah, and that Adam (A.S.W) was Chosen by Allah, but it is equally true that I am the Friend and the Favorite of Allah, and this is without pretension. I shall hold the Banner of the Blessing on the Day of Judgment, without pretension, and I shall be the first to have Allah’s forgiveness among the all mankind.
PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W shall be the first one to trample down the grass of Heaven; before the others, my people too will be the first to trample it." Anas have related that the Prophet (S.A.W) declared: "I shall be the first to resuscitate on the Day of the Resurrection, I shall be the orator at the time when the risen from the dead shall have gathered, and their Savior when they shall have lost hope. I behold the Banner of Allah’s Blessing and I am his best servant among all the children of Adam (A.S.W), with no pretension." As for him, Ibn Abbas relates that some of the companions were exchanging remarks about the Messengers of Allah (Prophet Muhammad). One of them said: "It is paradisiacal that Allah took Abraham (A.S.W) for Companion", a second one said: "Nothing is more wonderful than to see God speaking to Moses (A.S.W)", a third one said: "Jesus (A.W.S) is the Spirit of Allah ", a fourth one said: "Adam (A.S.W) was chosen by Allah to be the Father of all men". Having heard their remarks, Muhammad (S.A.W) turned to his Companions Shahab and said: "I heard your remarks and your arguments. It is true that Abraham (A.S.W) is the Companion of Allah, that Moses (A.S.W) heard the word of Allah that Jesus (A.S.W) is the Spirit of Allah, and that Adam (A.S.W) was Chosen by Allah, but it is equally true that I am the Friend and the Favorite of Allah, and this is without pretension. I shall hold the Banner of the Blessing on the Day of Judgment, without pretension, and I shall be the first to have Allah’s forgiveness among the all mankind.
He was a Prophet when Adam (AS.W) was something between water and clay, and he has been sent by
Allah to save the world and it is out of his brightness that the Prophets and
the Messengers of God have been created for the purpose. He is holder of Divine
Mercy when comes the Day of the judgment. He who disowns all this is nothing
but an apostate. May the blessings of Allah be on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his parents and his companions,
and may He grant him salvation. Only Allah can light for people the 'good road'
and lead them. Faith springs up from the heart and is above the brain, Follow
the good understandingly, and free from constraint. To be candid says, Prophet Muhammad
is so, wonderful and most trustworthy among the all mankind.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
After Sheikh Ibrahim’s
father death, Sheikh Abdullahi returned to Kaolaq to offer his condolences to
the family. He chose to be accommodated in Sheikh Ibrahim’s room which provided
him with the opportunity for the guest to give his host the glad tidings of his
spiritual position and transfer privileged of Sheikh Tijjani secrets to young
Sheikh Ibrahim. He was however warned not to disclose his status to anyone
until the permission reached him of his own death which sheikh complied. After
some years, Sheikh Abdullahi, the father of Sheikh Ibrahim passed to his Creator
which made the Sheikh declared "as the spiritual inheritor and Halifa of Sheikh
Ahmad Tijjani (R.T.A): The Sohibul Faydatul Tijjaniyya
during the Mauled of the Prophet Muhammad in 1929. His eldest brother and Halifa
of their late father asked whether the Sheikh Ibrahim was well to which he
responded in the affirmative. He (his brother and Halifa of their father) then
declared that the Jinns have affected Ibrahim and that people should assist in
exorcizing Ibrahim’s Jinns. The Sheikh insisted he is sound in body and mind
and said all he said was with authority of Shehidina Muhammad (S.A.w)
The Halifa denied him outright and instructed his students to do likewise. Sheikh Ibrahim continued to call people to Allah and teaching them all forms of Islamic sciences and Tasowuf the spiritual knowledge. He met stiff resistance and decided to relocate to Kóosi a village founded by his father where he continued his Islamic and spiritual mission. He attracted large followers from all parts of Africa who had come to drink from his ocean of knowledge and spiritual dimension.
After much opposition and oppression, Sheikh Ibrahim decided to migrate away from Kaolaq and find his own settlement due to the difficulties he and his students were experiencing in carrying out their religious (ISLAM) and other daily activities. On a fateful morning after the Morning prayers, he informed his students and all those who wish to follow him to leave Kaolaq. After obtaining permission from the colonial officers governing of Kaolaq administrative area, he migrated about three miles to east of Kaolaq and camped by a big tree which was to become his home till date. His town is now called Madinat Kaolaq. Sheikh Ibrahim was a distinguished member and official of global Islamic organizations such as the Islamic World Congress in Pakistan of which Sheikh was vice president and Academy of Islamic Studies in Egypt for which he was a highly respected contributor. He was a co-founder of the Muslim World League, and a member of General Islamic Conference for Jerusalem, Association of Islamic Universities based in Morocco and High Islamic Council in Algeria. He attended various Islamic international conventions whose central them was mostliy on call to Islam.
He was not only an erudite and versatile scholar but also a writer who has written up to 75 books on various subjects including Arabic language and grammar, Islamic ethics, Tasowuf (Islamic mysticism), (life of the noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W), Tafsir (Quranic explanations) among many other Islamic disciplines which he treated with high competence and excellence. He was a poet of the highest order composing some eight anthologies. Due to Sheikh Ibrahim knowledge and understanding of Islam, he was awarded the title of Sheikh Islam by the eminent head of the Al-Azhar University Cairo in Egypt. This title is only given to Islamic scholars who have attained a level of competence and in at least 25 disciplines in Islam. Sheikh Ibrahim advocated for mass education for both males and females. In reference to this, Sheikh said in a speech that “women should compete with men in knowledge” because of this, women of the path are found to be well versed in Qur'an and Hadith. Suffice to say that all his female children have memorized the entire Qur'an and are Islamic scholars in their own rights who engage in continuous education of women and children throughout the Africa. He also established a Zawiyya (Islamic study center) in his hometown of Kaolaq which has now developed into an institute that is affiliated with one University in Cairo which thousands of students all over the world attend to complete their studies now.
The Halifa denied him outright and instructed his students to do likewise. Sheikh Ibrahim continued to call people to Allah and teaching them all forms of Islamic sciences and Tasowuf the spiritual knowledge. He met stiff resistance and decided to relocate to Kóosi a village founded by his father where he continued his Islamic and spiritual mission. He attracted large followers from all parts of Africa who had come to drink from his ocean of knowledge and spiritual dimension.
After much opposition and oppression, Sheikh Ibrahim decided to migrate away from Kaolaq and find his own settlement due to the difficulties he and his students were experiencing in carrying out their religious (ISLAM) and other daily activities. On a fateful morning after the Morning prayers, he informed his students and all those who wish to follow him to leave Kaolaq. After obtaining permission from the colonial officers governing of Kaolaq administrative area, he migrated about three miles to east of Kaolaq and camped by a big tree which was to become his home till date. His town is now called Madinat Kaolaq. Sheikh Ibrahim was a distinguished member and official of global Islamic organizations such as the Islamic World Congress in Pakistan of which Sheikh was vice president and Academy of Islamic Studies in Egypt for which he was a highly respected contributor. He was a co-founder of the Muslim World League, and a member of General Islamic Conference for Jerusalem, Association of Islamic Universities based in Morocco and High Islamic Council in Algeria. He attended various Islamic international conventions whose central them was mostliy on call to Islam.
He was not only an erudite and versatile scholar but also a writer who has written up to 75 books on various subjects including Arabic language and grammar, Islamic ethics, Tasowuf (Islamic mysticism), (life of the noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W), Tafsir (Quranic explanations) among many other Islamic disciplines which he treated with high competence and excellence. He was a poet of the highest order composing some eight anthologies. Due to Sheikh Ibrahim knowledge and understanding of Islam, he was awarded the title of Sheikh Islam by the eminent head of the Al-Azhar University Cairo in Egypt. This title is only given to Islamic scholars who have attained a level of competence and in at least 25 disciplines in Islam. Sheikh Ibrahim advocated for mass education for both males and females. In reference to this, Sheikh said in a speech that “women should compete with men in knowledge” because of this, women of the path are found to be well versed in Qur'an and Hadith. Suffice to say that all his female children have memorized the entire Qur'an and are Islamic scholars in their own rights who engage in continuous education of women and children throughout the Africa. He also established a Zawiyya (Islamic study center) in his hometown of Kaolaq which has now developed into an institute that is affiliated with one University in Cairo which thousands of students all over the world attend to complete their studies now.
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