Zollatul-Fathi (the
praying to the prophet Muhammad) is a divine matter which has no room for
the mind intellect. If we were to say the quality of Zollatul-Fathi, there are more
than100, 000 nations, each nation is made of many tribes, each tribe is made of
more than 100,000 men, each of those men lived for so many years and recited more
than 1,000 prayer upon the Prophet Muhammad, all of these nations along all
these years would not catch up with the reward of reciting of one “Zollatul-Fathi” Zollatul-Fathi praises the prophet Muhammad
with great four traits: opening (Al-Fathi), Seal hood of Prophets (Al-Khatm),
victory and guidance (al-Nasr Al-Hady). As such he is qualified as
the promoter of the opening of everything that is blocked for all previous
messengers. He is also described as director of law by law, attributed to him
by God, and also, he is the guide of believers to Allah’s path. Some have
explained this opening by the first emergence of the Holy Prophet Sheidna Mohammed
(peace and blessing be upon him), being the first human being emerged from the
big void, even before the creation of the whole world.
In another fact says by SHEIKH IBRAHIM NIYASS which illustrated that
whoever has praise and seek for the blessing upon yhe nobleProphet Muhammad
(peace and blessing of God be upon him) through the Zollatul-Fathi, he will
bear the rewards of all Prayers that have occurred to the whole universe by
mankind, Angels and Jinns. In a number of six hundred thousand from the first
creation of the whole universe until the recitation of this Zollatul-Fathi, has
been completed, and each prayer with a reward of six hundred thousand (600,000) from
all faithful from mankind, angels and Jinns. Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass continue
said, any Zollatul Ala Nabiy especially, Zollatul Fathi is the Qur’an of Qur’an.
Zollatul Fathi is different from other because it is the Prayer of Allah and
His Angels. Another main reason why Zollatul Ala Nabi is so Powerful and great.
Simply because that only Allah can send prayers on to the Prophet Muhammad.
When you recites Allahuma Zolly Alla. You have nothing to do with the prayer
anymore it is just Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. The Tariqa Tijjaniyya is
based on Zollatul Fathi it is the main difference between the Tijjaniyya and
other turuq. For this approval has come from the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) So, Sheikh
Ahmad Tijjani in broad daylight. Abul-Muqaraab says that a man's total sins
will be washed away if he recites Durood Faith 40 times. Hardhats Sheikh
Muhammad Bakari says that recitation of Durood Faith once a day relieves the resistor
from the fire of hell.Hadhrat Sheidna Ahmed Hillam says the Durood Faith was favorite
routine of Hardhats Sheikh Abul-Qadir Gilani.The great Saints say that Durood Fathi
is actual and real light.Hadhrat sheikh Yusuf Bin Ismail says that this Durood Sharif
is the Greatest mystery of Allah wata’ala The history of Zollatuls al-Fathi is
this. A man named Sayyidi Bekri went into khalwa for 40 years, asking Allah to
give him the best Zollatul-ala Nabiyi. It was written on the wall in light and
he was told not to give it to others until the owner of it appeared which is
Sheikh Hamad Tijjani’s It brings 100% success and happiness to the recitation fact this Durood brings prosperity and luck
and solves all the naughty problems by the grace of Allah ta' ala.When a man
recites this Durood Sharif angels of Allah ta'ala surround him, mercy covers
him and peace starts descending on such a persons.