Sunday, 23 February 2014


Until the mid-20th century, the prevalent view across the world was that the universe was infinite, had existed forever and that it will continue to do so for all time. According to this view, known as the "static universe model," the universe had no end or beginning.

In maintaining that the universe is a collection of fixed, static and unchanging substances, this view has constituted the basis of materialist philosophy and has consequently rejected the existence of a Creator. However, as science and technology progressed during the 20th century, the static universe model has been completely uprooted.

We have now entered the 21st century and a new dawn is upon us. Through numerous experiments, observations and calculation conducted by some of the world's most prominent thinkers, modern physics has proven that the universe did indeed have a beginning, that it came into being from nothing in a single moment in a huge explosion. Furthermore, it has been established that the universe is not fixed and static, as materialists still stubbornly maintain. On the contrary, it is undergoing a constant process of movement, change and expansion. These recently-established facts all act as nails in the coffin of the static universe theory. Today, all these facts are universally accepted by the scientific community.

The origin of the universe is described in the Qur'an in the following verse:

He created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. (Qur'an, 6:101)

This information is in full agreement with the findings of contemporary scientists. As we stated earlier, the conclusion that astrophysics has reached today is that the entire universe, together with the dimensions of matter and time, came into existence as a result of a great explosion that occurred a long time ago. This event, known as "The Big Bang," is the catalyst for the creation of the universe from nothingness.

Saturday, 15 February 2014


Prophet Muhammad is known has most lover of God (Allah) with all these, many organizations in Islam are antagonising the performing of maolud nabiyi (Prophet Muhammad's birthday)
To me as a lover of the noble prophet Muhammad S.A.W, those organizations or any individual that is being a opposition to this maolud Nabiyi are ignorance. Because, Allah (God) has spoke to us in only book of honour (Qur'an)
As an educationist, we need to know that Allah(God) is indirectly revealed us to be always remember him( Prophet Muhammad S.A.W)
Although, this Maoulud nabiyi, does not commenced when noble prophet was alive. It many period after his death. He was not even ordered us to do it or not to do so. Is one of the kings in that of Arab country called Abusherif lli-hudirri Alli-Mushafar which dreamed that God instructed to be performing Maoulud Nabiyi(to be celebrating the day of prophet Muhammad'birth)
Now! This is what Halifa Baba n pakata   narrated on the issue of Maoulud Nabiyi during one Maoulud celebration at at Sheikh Abubakr Koeyede(Hallifat hullafahu of Tijaniyat Kwara State) residence.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Tijaniyat has many contributions to the development of Islam. In the early age of life, the traditional religious were practicing before many messengers sent down to life. All of these messengers did all their possible best to makes the Islam propagated. Later, the most last messenger(Prophet Muhammad S.A.W) sent down to properly make the darkness of whole life comes to an end in 9th to 10th centuries.
As the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) growing, he became to be practising Zufi(Spiritual knowledge of God) by thinking and ruminants upon the oneness of God. Thereafter, Allah(God) sent Angel  Jibril to his messenger(Prophet Muhammad) to come and visit his Lord (Allah) called (Israhi Walli Miraji) by spirit.
The Lord (Allah) blessed and gave him (Prophet Muhammad) the rule and regulations of Islam.
The Islam was now began with Jihad Fi Sebilillahi(Fighting for Islam) to change unbelievers to believe the Islam.

Friday, 17 January 2014


After a child was reportedly born with Islamic rosary, (Tesbiyu) in Side of Akodudu area, Ilorin Kwara  State, another suprise event was recorded in Tsaragi town of Edu Local Government. As that was believed the appearance of late Sheikh Ibraheem Niyass at a room of a living building of one student (Muridi) of that Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass (R.T.A) With what I Abdulazeez Okoh confirmed through my wife Mrs, Abdulazeez that, the ghost of sheikh Ibraheem who had died for almost 100 years ago started appearing on the walls of the building and on the light bulb belonging to that house.
Expectedly, the strange happening has turned the sleepy of village into a Mecca  as people throned the area to see another oddity and seek the face of Allah.
According to the Man (the owner of the house) says: My wife first noticed it and she rushed out to inform me, when I also saw it, I was greatly ferified, wondering how such thing could have happened”.
He also says, My thought was that the ghost would eventually disappeaed but on the second day, it brightenes more and started showing on all sides of the building which made me call the peaple near my house to withness the wonderful and amazing incident.”.
He said that he immediately invited some Muslim clerics in the area to come and behold the strange happenings in his house, “the shout of “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) rented the air as hundreds of people trooped in to behold what happened. All people in that of began to be fearing the oneness of Halla(God)

In that of the child whose he was born with Islamic Rostry (Tesibiyu). His mother reveled us that the boy was born with only on rostry before that of rostry became meny more on his neck. You can emerging the rate of people population that witness that strange incident. I that very day, people began to be using the name of the boy to pray and the boy began to become celebrity.  May God continue to be with us.(Amin)

Saturday, 11 January 2014


 The some of Tijaniyat activites are “LAZEEM” – “WAZEEFA” – “KUBURAT HAILALA”The Tijaniyat litanies are all based on expressions which come from the Quran (Holy book of Halla)and the Sunnah(Prophet traditions). Reciting them is an inexhaustible source of blessings and neglecting or abandoning them is an opened door to misfortunes. The litanies must be recited only with an authorization of a muqaddam whose transmittal channel is authentic. The other conditions of the validity of the mandatory litanies of the Tijaniyat are:
The follower must have ablution with water or Tayyamoun, according to the Sheria rules.
-The purification of the body, the clothes and the area, according to the prayer rules is required.
-The followers are required to cover their body (awrah) as for salat (prayers)
-The follower must formulate the intention
-The disciple must not speak during the mandatory litanies of the Tariqa Tijaniyat, from the beginning to the end, except by necessity in which case he can communicate by gestures, and if he is not understood, then he can say one or two words.
There are three exceptions to this rule: the follower can answer freely when addressed by his parents, the wife (disciple) to her husband, and the follower to his Sheikh (his Muqaddam). The follower must avoid from eating and drinking during the mandatory litanies, doing such can invalidate the zikiri.
Anyone who does not respect one of these conditions above, his evocations are invalidated and he has to do them again. Besides, it is very important to perform the Wazeefa and the 'Asrou Kubrat(Hadra  Friday after salatul ‘Asr) in congregation whenever it is possible, pronouncing them aloud and harmoniously with the other brothers.
Furthermore, understanding the meaning of what is recited, uttering distinctly, visualizing Seyidina Ahmed Tijani (may Allah be satisfied with him) and better our Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), all that helps to take the maximum advantage of the litanies.

The Lazeem is composed of these three mandatory pillars,Say:
1. "Astaghifirullah": 100 times – I am asking for forgiveness to Allah:
2.  “Salatul Fatihi”: 100 times, which means to send prayers upon the Prophet Muhamad (peace and blessings be upon him).
3. "La Ilaha illallah Allahu": 100 times: "There is no God but ALLAH"
Notes: One can recite any of the salat ala nabi but the best one is Salatul Fatihi: "Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidinaa Muhammadin el faatihi limaa ughliqa, wal khaatimi liman sabaqa, naasiru-l-haqqi bil haqqi wal haadi ilaa siraatiqa-l-mustaqiim, wa 'alaa aalihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqidaarihi-l-'aziim."
Salatul Fatihi is a particular prayer that the Prophet (S.A.W) ordered Sheikh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah sanctify his precious secret) to recite and to transmit and that in wakefulness in broad daylight. The Pole (Qutb) Sidi Muhammad El Bakri (may Allah be pleased with him) had already got the authorization from the prophet, but to a certain degree. To obtain that benefit, he went on a spiritual retreat for several years in Mecca with the intention that ALLAH (The Glorified and The Exalted) would teach him a formula of salat ala nabi (prayer on the prophet) that is more powerful than all the other ones gathered with their secrets. And indeed, it was revealed to him. An angel came to him with a crystal tablet on which Salatul Fatihi was written, readable miraculously from both sides of it. But he kept it as a secret because this prayer was exclusively reserved for the coming time of the Hidden Pole (i.e. Sheidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani) and his disciples. Salatul Fatihi's merits are very numerous, Sheikh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be satisfied with him said): "If there were 100000 communities, and each of these communities was constituted of 100000 tribes, and each of these tribes was formed of 100000 men, and each these men lived 100000 years, and each of these men recites everyday 100000 salat 'ala Nabi other than Salatul Fatihi, then all these rewards would not reach the reward of only one Salatul Fatihi.
3. After the hundrend "La Ilaha illAllah Hallah", we have to say: "Sheidinaa Muhammadun Rasulullah. 'alayhi Salamullah"
The Lazeem is an obligatory wird performed alone, in a low voice, twice a day: morning and evening. Missed obligatory wird has to be make up. The time to perform the morning wird begins from Subh Prayer till Duha al A'la (about midday), it is the preferred time. The time of necessity, in case of valid excuse, extends from Duha al 'Ala to the Maghreb Prayer (the sunset).
The morning Lazim can't be accomplished between the Fajr and Subh Prayers.
The morning wird can be advanced in the night after the 'Isha Prayer and a lapse of time enough to recite five sub-parts (hizb) of Quran (i.e. about 1:30 hours after 'Isha Prayer time), but in this case it must be finished before the Azan of the Fajr, otherwise we must redo it. During the night, before Fajr, the reward is greater. Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) said: "The evocation of the wird during the night is equivalent to five hundred times his evocation during the day, and this is true for all good deeds."
The time to perform the evening wird begins from 'Asr Prayer till 'Icha Prayer, it is the preferred time. The time of necessity, in case of valid excuse, extends from 'Icha Prayer to the Fajr Prayer (the dawn).
It is possible to perform in advance the evening Lazim with three conditions:
1. Like the morning Lazim, the evening Lazim can only be advanced before the Fajr Prayer (i.e. during the night which precedes the day but never before the 'Asr or Dhor Prayers).
2. It can be anticipated because of an impediment whose we think it will cover the entire period of preferable time of the evening Lazeem (so from the Asr to the Isha). And then, even if the hitch ends during this period, the evening Lazeem done in advance remains valid.
3. In the case of performing the evening Lazeem in advance (during the night before the Fajr prayer), we must perform it before the morning Lazeem. So the order is: morning Lazeem in advance and then evening Lazeem in advance. The suitable intention must be formulated before the wird each time.
It is reported by Sidi Taieb Sefiani in Ifadat-l-Ahmediya that Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: "Whoever wants to make in advance the wird of the Asr (i.e. the evening Lazim), he can do it only if there is a hitch at this time, in this case he has to do it in advance during the night."
The Waziifa must be performed in congregation whenever it is possible, arranging the rows properly, reciting loud.
The Waziifa is composed of these four mandatory pillars (in this order):
a- 30 times the following well-known expression of Istighfaar: "Astaghfirullah Al 'Aziim alazii laa ilaaha illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoum" (I ask forgiveness from ALLAH, The Great One, no God exists but Him, The Ever Living One, The Self Existing One)
b- 50 times Salaatul Faatihi (during the Waziifa, we can NOT recite another prayer upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, otherwise it is invalidated as Sidi 'Arabi ibn Saa-ih said, may ALLAH be satisfied with him)
c- 100 times "La Ilaaha illa laah” (There is no God but Allah, say right after) "Seyyidunaa Muhammadu Rasoulullaah, Alayhi Salaamullaah"
d- 12 times Djawharatul Kamaal (a special prayer upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him). Mandatory conditions to recite the Djaw-haratul-Kamaal:
- Ablution with water
Time of Waziifa
The Wadhifa is to be performed once or twice a day.
If the Wadhifa is accomplished twice a day, the time to perform it is the same than the Lazim.
If the Wadhifa is performed only once a day, its time begins from the 'Asr Prayer to the 'Asr Prayer of the next day and the period of necessity, in case of valid excuse, extends to the Maghreb Prayer of this next day.
Women can attend the Wazeefa:
- They should not occupy the same room as men. But if there is only one room for the group, they sit at the back in a discrete section.
- Women must not recite loudly (as for the five daily Prayers.
The Haylala (other names: Hadra, 'Asru) is the Friday's zikiri to perform between 'Ashr and Maghreb Prayers.
Like the Wazeefa, the Friday's Hadra must be performed in congregation whenever it is possible, arranging the ranks properly, reciting loud. If there is no congregation to join, do it alone.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


The establishment of this JAMAHAT RUHULLAHI FII TORIQAT TIJJANIYA WAH FAEDAT IBRAHIMIYAT (JARUFIT) is rightly attributed to Maolana, Sheikh Alhaji Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodala(BABALAMULE, HIKIMATUL-LI-BALIGA WANABIGA), Ilorin, kwara State, Nigeria. It is not an overstatement to say that the life history of Sheikh Issa Ijaodola is much the same as the life history of Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass(R.T.A) By mere looking at him, just as Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass(R.T.A) as back to life.
    Al-Toriqot Al-Tijaniyat Wal-Faedot Ibrahimiyat is non-profit oriented. Being the pioneer of the Society, Sheikh Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodola (BABALAMULE)founded it the same way Sheikh Hamoda Tijani founded his own as how I said under his biography above. If you see BABALAMULE, Evidences from all reliable sources show that he utmost resembles Sheikh Alhaji Ibrahim Niyass kaolaq (Gaozu Zamadani R.T.A)
 Sheikh Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodolla (BABALAMULE) had passed through a lot of Islamic Scholars to gain knowledge of Allah (God) before later went to Maolana Sheikh Gidado(Ali-Alory R.T.A) of which he got instruction from his lord to do so. Under Sheikh Gidado he underwent activities of seeking knowledge of Allah’s existence (Terribiyat) which he completed within three (3) days. This lead Sheikh Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodola (BABALAMULE) became independent of others.
As the normal case with divine men of Allah, Sheikh Alhaji Issa Ijaodolla witnessed a number of signs and wonders (karamots) both from young and after wards. He used to see physically (not only in dream) Sheikh Ibrahim Niyas Kaolaq and Sheikh Hamoda Tijani from time to time. But, by nature, he does not consider seeing them as something special. At one time BABALAMULE had not only been guided by his father, but with Sheikh Gidado, (R.T.A) he had also been guided by Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass him self and more significantly significantly.
Sheikh Issa BABALAMULE, Sheikh Yusuf AGBADE and Sheikh Abubakr AKEYEDE In Ilorin, Kwara State. used to be friends.
In the career of Sheikh Issa Ijaodola, he faced many problems of his neighbour hood. Sheik Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodola liked the remembrance of Allah, Zikri more than food, sleep and of course anything. It is correctly believed that Sheikh Issa BABALAMULE has a deeply love with Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass Kaolaq(Gaozul Zamadani Wa Faharidu Darihi R.T.A) Sheikh Issa BABALAMULE, love to b sending gifts to khaolaq through Sheikh Gidado, his Sheikh that used to go to kaoloq to meet with sheikh Ibrahim Niyass kaolaq when his alive before Sheikh Ibrahim died. Each time Sheikh Gidado got to kaolaq and he delivered the message of sheikh Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodola BABALAMULE who sent a gift(s), sheikh Ibrahim Niyass koalaq, having received the gifts used to respond as if he (sheikh Ibrahim Niyas) knew that BABALAMULW is an extraordinary manner more than others! This occurrence was so frequent that Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass was praying to bless and authorized Sheikh Gidado in the presence of Sheikh Aliyu Cizze to complete a Zalizala (Zalizala means a document showing certification of acceptance) to be  given to Sheikh Issa BABALAMULE in Nigeria while very many other people who were struggling to have and not been able to get any one then.  It is normal to say that maolana Sheikh Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodolla, the founder of JAMAHT RUHULLAHI FITORIKAT TIJANI WA FAEDAT IBRAHIMIYAT(JARUFIT), is the major successor of sheikh GIdado R.T.A.
Personally, Maolana Sheikh AlhJi Issa Haruhullahi Ijaodola BABALAMULE loves Allah fearings' people and to be aalways say the truth. No matter how the bitterness of that truth is.
We also hoped to become one of those and since it is evident that the most pure way out is suufism, he therefore has an interest in Al-Toriqot Tijjaniyat and Faedat Ibrahimiyat.
He had passed through a lots of stress, difficulties, just as Sheikh Hamoda Tijjani and Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass R.T.A. He therefore does not want other ambitious people to experience such similar predicament. In this way, his life styles and wishs for people in Tijaniyat are to be guiding, directing and to be generally make suufism simple to do, simple to understand and simple to practice in accordance with the provisions of Allah in Al-Qurani Li-Kereem and the hadith of the prophet Muhammod (S.A.W)